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Introduction and Welcome
KeyNote: NFV disrupting and transforming the OSS Landscape
TM Forum Direction Open Source and Multi-SDO cooperation
TM Forum has a pragmatic business driver led approach to the use of open source, and has a track record in using it to develop and test management interfaces. It plans to do the same when the requirements and business drivers for its use in management and operations have been established and qualified with it members. NFV has created a strong need for multi-SDO to collaborate. Hear the specific that have been determined to date.
Session #2: Update on Phase 1 results of Project ZOOM
Hear the details about the ZOOM Phase 1 deliverables. There were over 23 documentsproduced as part of the first phase of ZOOM. This session will provide an overview of thetechnical content of the key concepts and a glimpse into the work plans for the next phase ofwork to be delivered in April of 2021.
Session #3: Round table discussion on key NFV issues and priorities of the Industry
Session #4
Come hear lighting briefings from the 4 Catalyst teams demonstrating NFV & ZOOM at DigitalDisruption. These presentations will focus specifically on how their work in contributing to theadvancement of the 3 key ZOOM themes, DevOps, End to End Management and NFV readiness.
Session #4
Crowd source ideas for catalyst topics related to ZOOM for consideration for TM Forum Live! 2021. Everyone will get a chance to vote.
Coffee Break
Women of the Digital World
Get connected. Share your story. Be part of the conversation.
Women delegates are welcome to attend and enjoy lunch, a few presentations, and networking.
Space is limited, email to RSVP.
ZOOM Networking Breakfast
Interested in hearing a bit more in detail about TM Forum ZOOM Project? Join us for a networking breakfast and find out the current status of deliverable, work underway, how to get involved, and meet with the project leaders.
The breakfast is a great way to network with other attendees interested in the same topic, gain more insight into the project, and get involved.
Space is limited, email to RSVP.