How WOW! is conquering cable’s biggest challenges
- Addressing the three major shifts the cable industry faces and what MSOs can do to:
- reinvigorate their ability to compete against nimble new challengers
- turn customers into dedicated fans
- diversify revenue streams for long term profitability
- Sharing digital entertainment experiences, customer engagement tactics, and service and revenue diversification strategies
- Developing strategies to win customers, turn them into loyal fans, and provide them with offers that are simple, compelling and satisfying
Building the head end of the future – Getting ahead of technology
- Examining how Comcast is collapsing local hubs into regional data centers
- Moving elements key of infrastructure and services higher into the network
- Enabling the ability to scale services and reduce costs
Frameworx-enhanced solutions for enabling innovation and growth
Part 1: Achieving successful business results through modernization – Comcast Business Services
- Developing an operational support system (OSS) environment that enables revenue growth by supporting more orders and new services while delivering a superior customer experience
- Discussing the drivers, approach and some of the great results from OSS modernization and automation realized by Comcast Business Services
Part 2: Breaking free from data ‘legacy limitations’
- Driving the need for the acceleration of information exchange by rapidly deploying new digital services and increasing industry focus on customer experience
- Examining two innovative use case of the APIs developed within CableLabs’ member-led, Cable Information Architecture(CIA) project based on global telecommunications standards, including TMForum
- Capitalizing on industry-wide development, application and reuse of data models, system interfaces and business process
A Practical Approach for Open Innovation with Crowd-sourced Ideas in the Cable Industry
- Idea collaboration : Extracting customer ideas from social forums and internal data sources to create a unique repository of solutions for customer issues via VOCiE system
- Increased operational efficiencies : Correlating dissatisfaction of customers across channels with internal data such as trouble ticket information and test data (Total Quality Management)
- Co-creation with strategic partners : Creating and cultivating customer/partner habitats to foster interaction via DESCARTES system
The Future of Cable
- Where is the cable industry headed in the next five years?
- How should MSOs be investing in their organizations, tools and processes for that future?
- How will customers’ use of services evolve and what will they want to see?
Coffee Break
Women of the Digital World
Get connected. Share your story. Be part of the conversation.
Women delegates are welcome to attend and enjoy lunch, a few presentations, and networking.
Space is limited, email to RSVP.
ZOOM Networking Breakfast
Interested in hearing a bit more in detail about TM Forum ZOOM Project? Join us for a networking breakfast and find out the current status of deliverable, work underway, how to get involved, and meet with the project leaders.
The breakfast is a great way to network with other attendees interested in the same topic, gain more insight into the project, and get involved.
Space is limited, email to RSVP.